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Privacy Policy


Effective Date: November 22, 2022
Last Updated: September 6, 2024

Your privacy is important to Blowing Breeze, and we take it very seriously. The following policy outlines how Blowing Breeze Studios SAS (BBS) collects, uses, communicates, and utilizes the personal information we gather when you use our products and services. As used in this Privacy Policy, "Blowing Breeze," "we," "our," or "BBS" refers to Blowing Breeze Studios.

This policy applies to our website ( and our mobile applications Petstruction and Shield Maiden Tower Defense. If you have any questions about this Policy and our privacy practices, please contact us at

Blowing Breeze may periodically update this privacy policy. We suggest you visit this page periodically to ensure you understand how we operate.


1. Data We Collect
Blowing Breeze does not require you to provide personal data that directly identifies you (such as your name or email address) when you play our mobile games. We may collect personal data from you (which may include your name or email address) if you request access to technical support through our website or applications, by using a third-party ID, such as social media sites or in-app purchases.

When you visit our websites or interact with our mobile games, Blowing Breeze collects cookies, IP addresses, and usage data, such as the stages you have played and when. If you make a purchase, your card information is not retained by us but is collected by the store, which specializes in the secure online capture and processing of credit or debit card transactions.

Our mobile games can be obtained from respective stores, such as Google Play Store and App Store. When the app is downloaded and used, data is transferred to the respective stores.
We have no influence over the data collected by the Stores and are not responsible for it. You will find all relevant information in the privacy policies of the respective Stores. We process the personal data provided to us by the Stores to the extent necessary to download and use the application on your device.

The non-personal information of children collected by Blowing Breeze and its partners may include the following information:

  • Your BBS Account Information: email address, username, real name, country, date of birth, phone number, and password

  • Information you provide when requesting help (e.g., your name, email, and records of issues you experience)

  • Information you provide in response to surveys about our Services

  • When you play online, we may collect statistical data about your games

  • Type of operating system (e.g., Android, iOS, etc.)

  • Type of browser (e.g., Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)

  • Screen resolution (e.g., 800×600, 1024×768, etc.)

  • Language (e.g., English, Spanish, Portuguese)

  • Type of device (e.g., Galaxy, iPhone, etc.)

  • Approximate geographic location data (derived from device settings or IP)

  • Mobile device identifiers (such as Apple’s advertising identifier [IDFA] or Android’s advertising ID [AAID])

  • BBS software and updates you have installed

  • Information about ads served, viewed, or clicked on, such as the type of ad served, whether you clicked on it, and if you visited the advertiser’s website or downloaded the advertiser’s app

  • Information about device events, such as crash reports, requested and referred URLs, and system activity information (e.g., if you experienced a bug in one of our games or lost your internet connection)

  • Our mobile games may also request additional personal information from you; however, we will only collect this information if you provide us with permission



2. Data Provided by Third Parties
We may receive data about you from third parties such as Microsoft, Google, META, mobile platforms, and third-party authenticators that you use to log in or connect to our Services.

We may receive information about you contained in third-party user accounts when you use Blowing Breeze’s online Services. Your use of Blowing Breeze’s online Services through third parties indicates your agreement to the transfer of such information. We will not receive your credit card number or any other financial information from these third parties as part of creating or linking a Blowing Breeze Account.

Our partners may also collect a "Persistent Identifier" (such as an IP address, a unique device identifier, or an advertising identifier) from you. This data is primarily used for internal purposes only, to conduct research and analysis to address the performance of our sites and applications.

We strive to ensure that all our partners adhere to the same standards for the collection and use of your Information as we do, and we recommend checking our partners' Children's Policy before using their services to verify COPPA compliance, as we do.




3. External Service Providers
We use third parties to help us deliver the best possible experience. Personal data may be shared with these third parties for the business purposes described below. When we use a third party, we do so only to process or store your information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
We use the following external service providers in our services (mobile applications and website):

• Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google Analytics cannot share personal data with any other external service provider or other Google services.

  • Personal data collected: None

  • Place of processing: United States

  • Legal basis for processing: Under the EU and UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we rely on our legitimate business interests to do this.
    For more information, please see Google's Privacy Policy.


• Firebase (Google Inc.)
Firebase is a mobile data analytics provider we use to understand how you use the applications. Firebase cannot share personal data with any other external service provider or other Google services.


  • Personal data collected: IP address, device identifiers, and advertising identifiers

  • Place of processing: United States

  • Legal basis for processing: Under the EU and UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we rely on our legitimate business interests to do this.
    For more information, please see Google's Privacy Policy.
    We use the following advertising networks to display ads in our applications.


• Admob
Admob is a Google subsidiary ad monetization platform specifically designed for mobile apps. Within it, app publishers and developers can earn revenue by inserting ads within them.

  • Personal data collected: IP address, device identifiers, advertising identifiers, performance data associated with the user

  • Place of processing: United States

  • Legal basis for processing: Under the EU and UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we rely on our legitimate business interests to do this.
    For more information, please see Google's Privacy Policy.



4. How We Use Your Data
We use your information to develop the Services, enhance your gaming experience, provide support, deliver advertising and measure its effectiveness, as well as personalize our communications with you.

We use your personal information, both individually and in aggregate, in the following ways:
To manage our business and personalize and improve your gaming experience, which includes:


  • Managing, analyzing, improving, and developing our games and Services

  • Conducting research and analysis, as well as better understanding our players

  • Populating online leaderboards with information

  • Facilitating social media sharing

  • Managing and delivering in-game and third-party platform advertising

  • Measuring the effectiveness and distribution of advertising, including understanding who engages with our Services and how they interact with them

  • Monitoring the status of our Services

  • Setting up and maintaining accounts that you have registered

  • Offering you gaming experiences that may interest you, including personalizing the gaming experience

  • Facilitating your gaming experience across multiple devices or platforms

  • Identifying, fixing, and troubleshooting bugs and functionality errors

  • Providing software updates

  • Authenticating and activating your games and saved game data, including progress

  • Facilitating competitions and contests

  • Conducting audits, transactions, and other compliance activities

  • Adapting to your preferences and delivering content

  • Other purposes that you agree to, are communicated to you, or are notified to you when providing personal information.


To provide you with support in the following aspects:

  • Facilitating the identification and resolution of issues with your account or Services

  • Facilitating surveys or questionnaires

  • Contacting you and responding to specific requests or questions you send to us

  • Managing and sending you confirmations and important information related to your account, Services, purchases, subscriptions, and warranties.


5. Children
We do not ask children to provide information, but we do collect certain technical information about your child's use of the application to support the operation of our service.

If a child, for the purposes of privacy law compliance (under 13 years old in the U.S., under 16 years old in the EU/UK, or under the legal age of majority applicable in the relevant jurisdiction), contacts us, we use their email address to respond once to their inquiry and then delete their contact information from our records immediately after responding.

We collect certain technical information about your child's use of the application to support the operation of our service.

Our applications contain contextual advertising that shows relevant ads based on the content of the games.

For more information about the data collection and usage practices of these services, see the section on External Service Providers in Clause 3. External Service Providers.

Parents may request the review or deletion of their children's information by contacting us as indicated in Clause 9. Contact Information.


6. Data Retention
We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which we collected and used it, as outlined in this Policy. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we stop using your personal information to provide you with the Services, please contact us as indicated in the "Contact Information" section. However, if you withdraw your consent or otherwise refuse to allow us to collect, use, and disclose your personal information, you may not be able to use the Services. Furthermore, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we will retain and use your personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, maintain appropriate business records, and ensure the enforcement of our agreements.


7. Legal Purposes
We may disclose information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, legal processes, law enforcement requests, legal claims, or government inquiries, and to protect and defend the rights, interests, safety, and security of Blowing Breeze, our affiliates, users, or the public.


8. User Rights
Blowing Breeze provides users with various ways to access, correct, and exercise their choices and rights regarding their personal information. To exercise any of your rights, you can contact us as indicated in Clause 9. Contact Information.

Once we receive your request, we will verify it by comparing the data points you provide with the records we maintain. We may need to ask you for additional information to verify your request.

Push Notifications. In some of our mobile services, we may send push notifications when appropriate to inform you about game news, events, or promotions we may be running. If you no longer wish to receive such communications, you can disable them directly on your device.

Content Deletion. If you wish to request the deletion of any User content you have posted, please contact us as indicated in Clause 9. Contact Information.

Access, Correction, and Deletion. Registered Users can view and update their profile information and communication preferences directly in their account. If you would like us to delete your personal information, you can contact us to delete your account. Please contact us as indicated in Clause 9. Contact Information to exercise your rights or make a request regarding your personal information.

Submit a Privacy Request. Privacy requests should be sent by you (or an authorized agent with the capacity to act on your behalf) to our team as indicated in Clause 9. Contact Information. Please note that certain Services may not be available if you withdraw your consent or decide to delete or otherwise refuse to allow us to process certain personal information. We will take the necessary steps to verify your request by comparing the information you provide with what we have in our records.

We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable law and will inform you if we refuse to comply with your request.


9. Contact Information
If you have any questions, complaints, or comments about our Policy or practices, or if you wish to exercise your privacy rights, please send us a request at


10. Changes to Our Policy
This policy will be updated at any time, and we will notify you of any substantial changes.
We may modify this privacy policy from time to time. When we do, we will update the "Last Updated" date at the top of the policy. If substantial changes are made to the policy, we will make every effort to notify you by posting a prominent notice of those changes before they take effect.

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